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How to use the Logan Library Catalog

Welcome to the NEW Library Catalog!


New Features

  • Popular Searches Tab - Links to specific library collections.
  • New Resources Tab - Library materials purchased in the last two years.
  • My Library Tab - Information on your account and items you have checked out.
  • Integrated ILL Request Forms - Request books and journal articles from other U.S. academic and public libraries.
  • Integrated Research Request Form - Request help finding information.


Searching the Library Catalog

  • To find the record you are looking for, simply type some keywords into the search box provided and click the ‘search’ button. You can use the ‘*’ character to perform word truncation. For example, ‘comput*’ will match on any word that begins with comput- such as computer, computing, computation, etc.
  • To access additional search options you can use the advanced search page. There you can select the specific fields you want to search on as well as choose from a list of available search types including: keyword searching, exact match, phrase searching, range searching and more.