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Library FAQs

How do I submit an Interlibrary Loan (ILL) request?

How do I submit an Interlibrary Loan (ILL) request?

  1. Click on the Library Catalog link.
  2. Sign on to the Library Catalog with your Rose-Hulman e-mail address and network password.
  3. Confirm that the library item you wish to borrow is not immediately available in the Logan Library by checking for the book in the Library Catalog and the name of the journal in  Logan Libraries Journal Finder.
  4. Click on ILL tab (top menu).
  5. Click on the link to either Request a Journal/Newspaper Article or Conference Proceeding Paper or Request a Book or Book Chapter.
  6. Fill in your contact information.
  7. Click on   and fill out the form.
  8. Click on the Save & Exit button.