If you are interested in Rose-Hulman's graduate school programs or Rose-Hulman's R2 program, please contact the Associate Dean of Lifelong Learning.
Mergent Online's enhanced features and functions include the ability to:
1) Connect to Mergent Online.
2) If the company is a publicly traded company, ensure that USA Company Databases (Active and Inactive) and the International Company Database (Active and Inactive) are selected. If the company is a private company, ensure that D&B Private Company Database is selected.
3) Type the company name or ticker symbol in the company search box and click on the Go button.
4) In the Company Details section, click on the History link to learn about the company's history.
5) Click on other tabs and links to learn about other aspects of the company.
To search for published SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threat) for a specific company in Business Source Complete
1) Connect to Business Source Complete.
2) Select the Advanced Search option.
3) Type the company's name in the search box and select "CO Company Entity."
4) Select "SWOT Analysis" from the Publication Type's pull-down menu.
5) Click on the Search button.
6) Review the results.
Example: Eli Lilly
Business Source Complete publication types include Academic Journal, Book, Case Study, Conference Paper, Conference Proceeding, Country Report, Dissertation, Government Documents, Grey Literature, Industry Profile, Law, Market Research Report, Newspaper, Periodical, Report, Review, SWOT Analysis, Trade Publication, and Working Paper.
If you're exploring graduate school: Check out our Test Preparation materials.
Web of Science is a database built by tracking the top journals is a field and indexing all of the citations from those journals (citation of paper plus all citations in the paper's list of references).
When searching for the perfect graduate school for you to attend, it is best to know which university is publishing in the area of your interest, what they are publishing (list of papers authored), how much they are publishing (# papers authored), and how well regarded their papers are (# times their papers are cited by other papers).
Example: computer science information systems graduate schools specializing in cyber security
1) Connect to Web of Science.
2) Type "cyber security" in the search box and select Topic from the pull-down menu next to the search box.
3) Type 2017-01-01 and 2021-12-31 in the Publication Date boxes to limit the search to the last five years.
4) Click on the Search button.
5) Click on Computer Science Information Systems in the Web of Science Categories refine box.
6) Click on the Refine button.
7) Click on a box next to the name of a university of interest that is listed in the Affiliations refine box.
8) Click on the Refine button.
9) Review the results. Pay attention to the number of citations listed immediately to the right of each reference.
10) Refine and repeat the steps above as needed to investigate different areas of interests, universities, and authors.