The Logan Library's books are listed in the library catalog. If the Logan Library does not have the book that you need, you can request it using an Interlibrary Loan request form. Please allow 5-7 days for books.
Databases: Multidiscipline
SpringerLink eBooks and Journal BackfilesThis link opens in a new windowSpringerLink provides access to journal articles, books, and conference proceedings from a wide range of academic disciplines including engineering, math, science, humanities, and social sciences.
NOTE: Journal Back-files available up to 1996 ONLY / eBooks available up to the 2024 publication year.
ProQuest eBook CentralThis link opens in a new windowProQuest provides an intuitive eBook system that allows access to academic eBooks in all major disciplines. Books can be downloaded to specific eReaders like Kindles and Nooks, and tablets like the iPad and Android based devices.
Welcome to your Lyrasis Group Evidence-Based Acquisition (EBA) ebooks program with MUSE. Your access to all eligible book content on the MUSE platform ( will begin on August 1. Once your access begins, users who conduct searches on the platform will by default see all books to which they have full text access through the EBA program. All book content on MUSE is presented in DRM-free chapter-level PDFs, with unlimited simultaneous usage, unlimited downloading, and unlimited printing.
Books and eBooks
The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music by Bruno Nettl (Editor); Ruth M. Stone (Editor); James Porter (Editor); Timothy Rice (Editor)