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Revver How To: Naming Files

How To Name Files

By consistently naming and organizing your files in a logical way, you will make it easier to find, analyze, and process your files and the data they contain. 

Please name all of the files that you store in Revver using the following guidelines. 

File Name: Date.TruncatedCommitteeName.DocumentType.pdf (PDF/A)


             YYYY = year

             MM = month

             DD = day

Truncated Committee Name:

             FacultyAffairs = Faculty Affairs Committee

  Curriculum = Curriculum Committee

             Leaves = Leave Committee

             RulesDiscipline = Rules and Discipline Committee

             Safety = Safety, Security and Traffic Committee

Document Type:

AnRpt = annual report

Ag = agenda

Bgt = budget

Ltr = letter

Min = minutes

Motion = motion

Rev = revised

Rpt = report

Upd = update


Example #1

File Name: 20190516.Curriculum.Min.pdf

Document Title: Curriculum Committee Minutes, May 16, 2019

Committee Name: Curriculum Committee

Type of Record: Meeting Minutes


Example #2

File Name: 2020513.Curriculum.AnRpt.pdf

Document Title: Curriculum Committee Annual Report, May 13, 2020

Committee Name: Curriculum Committee

Type of Record: Reports


How To Rename A File

To rename a file

  • Right click on the file name

  • Select rename

  • Type the new name

  • Click on the file name