DC Circuits
Circuit Quantities
This content will be helpful for Physics II (PH112), Electrical Systems (ES203), and DC circuits (ECE203).
The tables at the following link show how to convert common units to and from SI.
1.16 Conversion Factors
The videos at the following link show how to perform conversion for work and energy.
Energy Conversions Using Table 1-25: Videos 1 & 2
The video at the following link shows how to find the total energy transferred to a circuit element.
Schaum’s Electric Circuits Problem 1.4: Energy Example
The video at the following link shows how to complete a calculation using work and power.
Schaum’s Electric Circuits Problem 1.9: Work and Power Example
The video at the following link defines voltage, current, power, and energy and shows how to use these quantities in calculations.
ES203 Lec 1- 2: Voltage, Current, Power, Energy
Circuit Elements and Ohm’s Law
This content will be helpful in Physics II (PH112), Electrical Systems (ES203), and DC circuits (ECE203).
The content at the following link describes passive and active circuit elements such as resistors, inductors, capacitors, independent and dependent voltage and current sources. There are also videos and examples of using KCL and KVL to solve circuit problems.
Passive and Active Elements
The video at the following link shows how to find the current and energy for an inductor given a current waveform.
Voltage and Current for an Inductor
The video at the following link shows how to find the I2R loss for a DC system.
I2R Loss for a DC System
The video at the following link shows how to calculate voltage drop for a DC system.
Voltage Drop for a DC System
The video at the following link describes independent and dependent sources, voltage and current sources, resistors and Ohm’s Law.
Circuit Elements
The video at the following link shows how to find voltage, current, power, and energy for inductors and capacitors.
Inductors and Capacitors
Kirchhoff’s Laws
This content will be helpful in Physics II (PH112), Electrical Systems (ES203), and DC circuits (ECE203).
The video at the following link show how to use KCL to find voltage and current for a circuit with a dependent source.
KCL Example
The video at the following link will show how to use current division to find current in a DC circuit.
Current Division Example
The video at the following link shows how to use KVL to find voltage and current for a DC circuit with a dependent source.
KVL Example
The video at the following link shows how to use the voltage divider to find the voltage across elements in a DC circuit.
Voltage Division Example
The example at the following link show how to use KVL to find voltages and currents in a DC circuit.
KVL Solved Problems
The video at the following link shows how to use KVL and KCL to solve DC circuits.
Equivalent Resistance, Inductance and Capacitance
This content will be helpful in Physics II (PH112), Electrical Systems (ES203), and DC circuits (ECE203).
The video at the following link shows how to find DC equivalent resistance.
Equivalent Resistance Example
The video at the following link shows how to find DC equivalent resistance.
Equivalent Resistance Example
The video at the following link will show how to combine resistors in parallel and series and apply the voltage and current divider in circuit analysis.
Resistors in Parallel and Series
The video at the following link will show how to combine inductors and capacitors in series and parallel.
Series and Parallel Inductors and Capacitors
Node-Voltage and Mesh-Current Methods
This content will be helpful in Electrical Systems (ES203), and DC circuits (ECE203).
The example at the following link shows how to use KVL and KCL to find voltages and currents in a circuit.
KVL and KCL Example
The video at the following link shows how to use the mesh current method to solve for voltages and currents in a DC circuit.
Mesh Current Method Example
The video at the following link shows how to use the node-voltage method to find currents in a DC circuit.
Node Voltage Example
The video at the following link shows how to use the node-voltage method to find currents in a DC circuit.
Node Voltage Example
The video at the following link is to find the currents in a circuit by using the node-voltage method.
Node Voltage Example
The video at the following link use the node-voltage method to find power delivered by DC sources.This video also shows how to analyze circuits with floating voltage sources (supernodes).
Node Voltage Example
The video at the following link show how to find voltage and current using the node-voltage method.
Node Voltage Example
The video at the following link shows how to find voltage and current using the node-voltage method.
Node Voltage Example
The video at the following link shows how to find voltage and current using the node-voltage method in a circuit with supernodes and dependent sources.
Node Voltage Example
The video at the following link shows how to find voltage and current using the node-voltage method in a circuit with supernodes and dependent sources.
Node Voltage Example
The video at the following link shows how to use the node-voltage method to find voltage, current, and power in a DC circuit.
The Node-Voltage Method
The video at the following link shows how to apply the node-voltage method to DC circuits with special cases such as floating voltage sources.
The Node-Voltage Method: Special Cases
The video at the following link shows how to apply the mesh-current method to find voltage, current, and power in a DC circuit.
The Mesh-Current Method
The video at the following link shows how to apply the mesh-current method to DC circuits with special cases such as shared current sources.
The Mesh-Current Method: Special Cases
Source Transformations
This content will be helpful in Electrical Systems (ES203), and DC circuits (ECE203).
The video at the following link shows how to use source transformations to find voltage in a DC circuit.
Source Transformations Example
The video at the following link shows how to use source transformations to find power in a DC circuit.
Source Transformations Example
The video at the following link shows how to find the current in a DC circuit by using source transformations.
Source Transformations Example
The video at the following link shows how to use source transformations to analyze a DC circuit.
Source Transformations
Thevenin and Norton Equivalence
This content will be helpful in Electrical Systems (ES203), and DC circuits (ECE203).
The video at the following link shows how to find the Thevenin and Norton equivalent for a circuit.
Thevenin and Norton Equivalent
The video at the following link shows how to find current by using the Thevenin Equivalent of a circuit.
Thevenin Equivalent Example
The video at the following link shows how to find voltage by using the Thevenin equivalent of a circuit.
Thevenin Equivalent Example
The video at the following link shows how to find the Norton equivalent for a DC circuit.
Norton Equivalent Example
The video at the following link shows how to find the Thevenin and Norton Equivalent for a DC circuit.
Thevenin and Norton Equivalent Circuits
The video at the following link shows how to find the Thevenin and Norton Equivalent Circuit and Maximum Power Transfer for a DC circuit.
Thevenin and Norton Equivalent Circuits, Maximum Power Transfer
This content will be helpful in Electrical Systems (ES203), and DC circuits (ECE203).
The video at the following link shows how to use superposition to solve for unknown voltages in a DC circuit.
Superposition Example
The video at the following link
The video at the following link demonstrates how to use superposition to find voltage in a DC circuit.
Superposition Example
The video at the following link demonstrates how to use superposition to find voltage in a DC circuit.
Superposition Example
The video at the following link shows how to find current in a DC circuit by using superposition.
Superposition Example
The video at the following link defines superposition and shows how to use it to analyze DC circuits.
First and Second Order Circuits
This content will be helpful in Circuits & Systems (ECE205).
RC and RL Circuits
The example at the following link shows how to find current and charge for an RC circuit.
RC Circuit Example
The video at the following link shows how to find the transient response for an RL circuit.
RL Circuit Example
The video at the following link shows how to find the transient response for an RC circuit.
RC Circuit Example
The video at the following link shows how to analyze first-order circuits.
First Order Circuits
The video at the following link shows how to solve first order systems.
First Order Circuits
The video at the following link shows how to solve first-order circuits.
First Order Circuits
RLC Circuit
The video at the following link shows how to find the current in an RLC circuit.
RLC Circuit Example
The video at the following link shows how to analyze an RLC circuit.
RLC Circuit Example
The video at the following link shows how to analyze second-order circuits.
Second-order Circuits
The video at the following link shows how to solve Second-order Differential Equations.
Solving Second-Order Differential Equations
The video at the following link shows how to solve Second-Order circuits.
Second-Order Circuits
The video at the following link shows how to solve second-order circuits.
Solving Second-Order Circuits
AC Circuits
This content will be helpful in Electrical Systems (ES203), and AC Circuits (ECE204)
The video at the following links shows the relationship between sinusoids, RMS, and phasors.
Sinusoids, RMS Phasors
The following link provides a definition of Impedance and Admittance.
Impedance and Admittance
The video at the following link shows how to use impedances KVL and KCL to analyze AC circuits.
Impedances, KVL, and KCL
The video at the following link shows how to find KVL, KCL, series-parallel impedances.
KVL, KCL, Series-Parallel Impedances
Phasor Analysis
The following link describes how to use phasor analysis to analyze circuits.
Phasor Analysis
The video at the following link shows how to find the sinusoidal steady-state voltage for an electric circuit.
Sinusoidal Steady State Example
The example at the following link shows how to find the sinusoidal steady-state for a circuit.
Sinusoidal Steady State Example
The video at the following link shows how to use Source transformations, Thevenin and Norton equivalent to analyze an AC circuit.
Thevenin and Norton Equivalent for an AC Circuit
The video at the following link shows how to use the mesh-current and node-voltage method for an AC circuit.
AC Node-Voltage and Mesh-Current Methods
The video at the following link shows how to find the sinusoidal steady-state frequency response for an AC circuit.
Sinusoidal Steady-State Frequency Response
AC Power
This content will be helpful in Electrical Systems (ES203), and AC Circuits (ECE204)
Average and Effective Values
The video at the following link shows how to find the average and effective values.
Average and Effective Values
Instantaneous, Average and Reactive Power
The video at the following link shows how to find the Average Power in an AC circuit.
Average Power Example
The video at the following link shows how to find the average and reactive power in an AC circuit.
AC Power Example
The video at the following link shows how to find the I2R loss for an AC system.
I2R Loss for an AC System
The video at the following link shows how to find Instantaneous, Average and Reactive Power.
Instantaneous, Average and Reactive Power Example
The video at the following link shows how to find RMS value and power for an AC circuit.
RMS Value, Power Calculations
Complex Power
The video at the following link shows how to find the complex power for an AC circuit.
Complex Power Example
The video at the following link shows how to find the AC power for an AC circuit.
AC Power Example
The video at the following link shows how to find complex power in an AC circuit by usin ghte power triangle.
Complex Power, Power Triangle Example
The video at the following link shows how to find the complex power and maximum power for an AC circuit.
Maximum Power Transfer for an AC Circuit
Operational Amplifiers
This content will be helpful in Electrical Systems (ES203), DC Circuits (ECE203), AC Circuits (ECE204) and Circuits & Systems (ECE205).
The video at the following link shows how to find the transfer function for an instrumentation amplifier.
The Instrumentation Amplifier
The video at the following link shows how to design an integrator circuit.
Integrator Circuit Example
The video at the following link shows how to design a differentiator circuit.
Differentiator Circuit Example
The video at the following link demonstrates how to design an operational amplifier circuit.
Operational Amplifier Circuit
The video at the following link demonstrates how to design an operational amplifier circuit.
Operational Amplifier Circuit
The video at the following link shows how to analyze and design operational amplifiers.
Operational Amplifiers
Laplace Analysis
This content will be helpful in Circuits & Systems (ECE205).
Laplace Transforms
The video at the following link shows how to find the Laplace Transform of a signal.
Laplace Transforms
The video at the following link shows how to use Laplace transforms to find the forced response of a differential equation.
Laplace Transforms
Inverse Laplace Transforms
The video at the following link demonstrates how to find the inverse Laplace transform of a signal.
Inverse Laplace Transforms
The video at the following link shows how to use partial fraction expansion to find the impulse response of a transfer function.
Partial Fraction Expansion
Laplace Circuit Analysis
The video at the following link demonstrates how to find the transfer function for an RC circuit.
Transfer Function Example
The video at the following link shows how to find the Laplace Transform of Circuit Elements.
Laplace Transform of Circuit Elements
Initial and Final Value Theorem
The video at the following link demonstrates how to use the initial and final value theorem on a function.
Initial and Final Value Theorem Example
This content will be helpful in AC Circuits (ECE204) and Circuits & Systems (ECE205).
The video at the following link shows how to use Fourier Transforms to find the frequency response of a filter.
High-Pass Filter Example
The example at the following link shows how to normalize and design a high-pass filter.
High-Pass Filter Example
The example at the following link shows how to normalize and design a low-pass filter.
Low-Pass Filter Example
The video at the following link shows how to analyze and design passive filters.
Passive Filters
Low -ass
The video at the following link shows how to frequency scale a low-pass filter.
Low-Pass Filter
The video at the following link shows how to design a low-pass filter.
Low -ass Filter
The video at the following link shows how to design a low-pass filter.
Low-Pass Filter
The example at the following link shows how to design a low-pass filter.
Low-Pass Filter
The example at the following link shows how to design a low-pass filter.
Low-Pass Filter
The example at the following link shows how to design a low-pass filter.
Low-Pass Filter
The example at the following link shows how to design a band-pass filter.
Band-Pass Filter
The example at the following link shows how to design a band-pass filter.
Band-Pass Filter
Band Reject
The example at the following link shows how to design an active band-reject filter.
Band-Reject Filter
The video at the following link shows how to analyze non-inverting and difference amplifiers.
Non-Inverting and Difference Amplifiers
The video at the following link shows how to analyze and design Active Filters.
Active Filters