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Information Literacy Instruction Using Credo Information Literacy Modules - Full Terms

Information Literacy Instruction Using Credo Information Literacy Modules
You are being invited to participate in a research study about assessing student outcomes when students are given information literacy instruction that is supplemented with the use of the Credo information literacy modules. This study is being conducted by Bernadette Ewen from Logan Library at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. There are no known risks or costs if you decide to participate in this research study.
If you decide to participate, you will be asked to complete an information literacy pre-test and post-test. You will also be encourage to complete multiple Credo information literacy modules. You may also be invited to complete a survey or have a short interview with Bernadette Ewen. Your informed consent to participate in this research study allows IRPA to add your name to the list of participants in this research study and to pull relevant demographic data, such as gender, major, standardized college admissions test scores, English class grades, etc., to help with the assessment of the research study results.
The information gathered will inform information literacy instruction at Rose-Hulman and may result in a published paper and/or presentation. While the information gathered may not benefit you directly, it should benefit future Rose-Hulman students. The data gathered will be anonymized and/or generalized when presented publicly. Your results and participation responses will not be assigned to you personally in any verbal or written publication of the data. Should the data be published, no individual information will be disclosed.
By completing the survey, you are voluntarily agreeing to participate. You are free to skip any particular question you do not wish to answer for any reason. If you have any questions about the study, please contact Bernadette Ewen . If you have any questions about your rights as a research subject or if you feel you’ve been placed at risk, you may contact the Institutional Reviewer, Dan Morris, by phone at (812) 877-8314, or by e-mail at